our work
In our orchestra, young people and young adults with and without a migration background have the opportunity to learn an instrument - and this from day one in connection with playing in the orchestra!
The principle is copied from the Venezuelan "El Sistema": After a common warm-up phase, the orchestra is divided into small groups and the experienced players* (in our case mostly music students who receive an expense allowance for volunteers) coach the newer ones.
The organizational and artistic directors also receive financial compensation for their very large amount of time spent on the project.
Our members pay 10 euros a month for two weekly rehearsals, lessons in small groups and a loan instrument. This small contribution is important to us so that a liability arises. But it is just as important to us that everyone can participate and learn an instrument.
The orchestra con anima is therefore urgently dependent on donations!
We can plan best if you support us regularly with a standing order. But every single donation helps us a lot to continue our work.

Anne Catherine Schreiber
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra
I support the orchestra con anima because here young people pass on their love of music with great commitment.

Prof. Dr. medical Claudia Spahn
University Hospital and University of Music Freiburg
I support the orchestra con anima because it connects young people across linguistic, cultural and social boundaries.
We sincerely ask for your support for the valuable work of theOrchestra con anima Freiburgto be able to continue in cultural education for everyone! Thanks very much!
Account details:
zeug und quer eV
Key word: orchestra con anima
Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau
IBAN: DE10 6805 0101 0013 5140 02
We will of course be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. Important: Contact us for this directly by emailso that we can send you the certificate personally.
Sponsors who have supported us in the past
Innovationsfonds Kunst 2018 of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg
Foundation pro juventude Freiburg
Kulturstiftung der Länder: Sunshine program

Professor Winfried Toll
Camerata Vocale Freiburg
I support the orchestra con anima because it is a gift to be able to make music in the orchestra and a whole new world is opened up to young people here.