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voices in the room and other things.


The focus of #alsichwirsaiten is the collective, the we.
Many individual voices combine to form a larger body of sound and act as a group - what value and how much freedom of choice does the individual have? How far does it distance itself from itself in order to exist in a group and thus meet the need for community? Does a group of individuals form a we at all?

Three musical theater world premieres at the Kunstverein Freiburg.

als ich wir sagten - Onlineflyer.jpg

Nicolas Berge - composition

Clemens K. Thomas- Composition and production management

Lucia Kilger - composition, sound direction and production management

Friederike Scheunchen- Musical direction and production management

Tobias Gralke- Text and dramaturgyIngrid Schorscher - choreography and dramaturgy

Cornelius Reitmayr - light and equipment

Father Valerian (Smiljana Nikolic) - graphic design

Tine Ehrlicht, Clarissa Merz - production assistant


w/ ensemble scope:

Svenja Bleyer - harp

Leonie Flaksman- violin

Clara Munoz Del Guayo- Cello

Timothée de la Morinerie - drums

Oliver Shermacher - clarinet


Natalie Beck,Pascale Jonczyk, Julian Mattlinger, Clarissa Merz, Lara Morger, Timm Schuhmacher, Tobias Schwarz, David Severin, Verena Seyboldt, Mareike Zorko

– vocal ensemble


ChorNetto Titisee-Neustadt - extra choir


With the kind support of the Electronic Studio of the Musikhochschule Freiburg.


The new intermedial music theater project by Zeug und quer eV as part of the#city anniversary2020Freiburg.

© 2021 zeug und quer eV

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